Wednesday, October 20, 2004

time wasted...

The conference call lasted an hour today! Thank goodness but still....
Anyway, i made Dick do some work today.. hahaha he volunteered to help after i told him there are so many things to do.. I think he volunteered cos there are other ppl in the room and he couldn't say NO. So the first thing i did when i went back to my desk was to fwd him the email. I cc-ed the person who sent that request to me! muahahaha I want to make sure Dick will attend to it!
It must have been so tiring for him.. so he left at 5.10pm today! hehe so i left at 5.30! Woohoo!

I'm tired too.. so many things to do at the same time .. and today.. the system Deity did not like me (hahaha borrowed this from Bubblemunche!) and threw me out of the system! I couldn't log in again cos it says that i am still logged on! How can it be????

Anyway, i called the IT support and this Indian guy said lots of things which i can't understand.. i cannot make out his indian accent. He asked me for my log in name and also said something else which i didn't know what.. but i think he was trying to sell me something.. Hmm.. anyway he told me to re-log in again and he has reset my password!

ARGH! NOOOOO don't reset my password! I have problems coming out with passwords that i can remember!! ARGH! The system prompted me an error msg "password cannot be the same as the previous 32 password" ARGH! 32!!

When i tried to log in again, it kept saying that i am still logged in and can't log in twice! Couldn't stand it no more and called IT support again.. same Indian guy! I have nothing against them.. but it's hard to communicate with them..

Anyway, this guy he was nice.. he told me to hold on for a min.. and i waited.. another min or more later, he told me to wait for another min! He did that for maybe 5 times! It took so damn long! I am convinced now that 1 indian minute = 5 min! I was getting very impatient! I needed to write my orders! When he told me to give him another minute, i told him.. "I AM COUNTING!" hahaha i think he was so stressed..

Yeah, i felt bad for being rude to him hehe.

Tomorrow, the IT people will be coming down for a meeting... i wonder if he will be here ... i will give him some choccies to thank him for being so patient with me! hehehehe


Jayaxe said...

HAHAHA...i can understand exactly what you said...

I really pity those indian workers who work in construction sites where I seen them kenna scolded yet they just blur blur and smile back. So kor lian.

And I especially pity this particular indian guy also for being tekkan-ed so badly too. Ahem...hahaha...

Vera said...

Bubblemunche : You are lucky! i don't like the IT at my co. I think they are not very efficient.. maybe it's cos my ex-co's IT was super good..hmm

Jayaxe : haha i didn't scold him ok.. i was only er.. a bit loud on the phone.. but i didn't scold him.. hehehe

Jayaxe said...

Yah but it's so funny because I know you didn't scold him and yet he sounded like kenna whacked badly hehehe..